Monday, September 11, 2017

Review: WEEKEND IMMUNE SYSTEM by Holly Tierney-Bedord

The fate of Juniper Owens is in the hands of the reader. At the end of each chapter, you must make a choice for her and hope that it all turns out ok in the end.

I just love these reader’s choice books. Reminds me of those “Reader, Beware, You Choose the Scare” books I used to love as a teen.

Outcome 1: Juniper ended up breaking up with her boyfriend, goes back to school, majors in Biology, and ends up destroying the planet. Well, dang.

Outcome 2: I got Juniper married with 4 great kids. Eh!

Overall, these what-if tales were quick, easy, and just okay. I mean, you can only take these scenarios for so long before it becomes redundant and blasé.


My rating: 3 stars

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