Saturday, June 8, 2024

Review: SAFE HARBOR by Rosemary McCracken


A woman bursts into your office wanting you to protect her son. But why? After all, you were just a financial advisor and you had no connection to her son…except this boy was your husband’s son. Huh…


Suddenly, Pat was in charge of someone else’s son. Now, how to get rid of him? Was there a grandma somewhere? Aunts? Uncles? Imagine having to take care of a strange kid. Talk about Baby Boom!


This was certainly an interesting dilemma, but it really wasn’t too fresh. You can just the movie, Baby Boom, for the same general idea. The diary narrative was nice, but it wasn’t anything too grand. I was kind of hoping for something a little more exciting and this just wasn’t it.


Eh, it was okay.


Rating: 3 stars

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