Friday, July 26, 2024

Review: THE GUILTY HUSBAND by Stephanie DeCarolis


It all started with a young woman—a murdered intern for a wealthy CEO. He knows way more than what he’s telling and that’s where the guilt sinks in. He is the guilty husband. No surprise that Vince had an affair with the intern. But, if he didn’t kill her, then who did? Right away, the story grabs you with its mystery.


With the cops on his tail, his marriage in shambles, and the media turning his life upside down, Vince realized that if he was going to get out of this, he has to take matters into his own hands. It gets real enticing the more you learn in the story. You won’t believe how this really ends.


A gripping 5-star read from start to finish! Look forward to more books by this author.


Rating: 5 stars

Review: DOUBLE DATE by R.L. Stine


Can a high school player date two twin sisters at once? Now if he knows what’s good for him. Ever since he started dating the twins, bad things have been happening to Bobby. I mean, a monkey head in his locker? Yikes! There was a bad sister. But who was it?


What a great lesson and a good read!


Rating: 4 stars

Review: THE OPEN MARRIAGE by Victoria Jenkins


I really thought that this would be an interesting read based on the summary. I was even willing to overlook the British spelling/writing, which I’m not particularly fond of. What got to me was this read went absolutely nowhere. I recall being 7 chapters in and nothing had happened. I hate stories like that. Do something! Make something happen!


This was just a waste of my time and I will no longer try one of this author’s books.


Rating: 1 star