Thursday, November 30, 2023

Blog Tour: THE DAY BEFORE TOMORROW by Monique Britten

The Day Before Tomorrow

by Monique Britten




:  Literary Fiction (Historical)






Juliette and George Morgan know all about Living the Good Life. As the town’s newest ‘it’ couple, they succeed in transforming the otherwise sleepy farming community of Rickshaw into a hotbed for musical talent and social enterprise. A poignant and beautifully layered tale, the Day Before Tomorrow is a portrayal of an era once removed, yet not forgotten – from the early to late seventies - with much of the story taking place within the Morgan family’s domestic locus and the community in which they live. Relationships become so intricately woven, adult and adolescent lines become blurred and an illicit connection between teacher and student builds into hidden, often disturbing scenes of love, secrets and human experience. When the Morgan’s future essentially falls down in mid-flight, the family is forced to cope with not only trauma, but coming of age and ultimately moving away from their safe haven of Rickshaw. An indictment of survival, shattered innocence, death, love and optimism, this tale is one that will transport your mind, speak to your heart and stay in both long after you have closed the cover.






Excerpt One:





Sitting before her coffee, she dips her toast into her soft-boiled egg and opens the paper. Her pulse guns as she scans two – no wait, three – pages of obituaries. She opens her day-planner. A long, slow sip of coffee and she begins to write:


Monday, May 17, 10:30 am: McQuade and Bitter Funeral Homes, 46-year old male, Everett Churchill, survived by wife and four boys


Tuesday, May 18, 2:00 pm: Guthrey and White Funeral Home. 37-year-old female, Elizabeth Florence Merchand, cancer victim, survived by husband and four children


Wednesday, May 19, 3:30 pm: Park Memorial, 92-year-old couple, Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Bernice Piccallo, five kids, 25 grandkids.


Thursday, May 20, 2:30 pm: Tracy and Bros. Funeral Home, 46-year-old male, Richard Lougheed, tragic and unexpected death, survived by two children. 


Thursday, May 20, 3:00 pm: Guthrey and White Funeral Home, Abigail Finley, 13-year-old female, tragic and unexpected death.


Rats, she thinks, two at the same time. She crosses out the Lougheed funeral.


Saturday, May 22, 6:40 am: Whitehorse, AC876. She scoops out the rest of the yoke, closes the paper. A front-page sideline catches her eye.


Fetus Alive in Brain-Dead Mother



A thirty-six year old woman traveling westbound on hwy 622 was hit head-on when the driver of a semi carrying timber logs fell asleep at the wheel. The woman, currently on life support at the Northampton General Hospital, is eight months pregnant. The mother will remain on life support until the baby can be safely removed from the womb. Health professionals say it appears the baby remains unharmed. read more page D7.


Outside the kitchen window, the breeze of new spring brushes up against the empty swing set, its cold metal hinges complaining shrilly of the wait.


The hospital hums with quiet industry. Across the hall, two nurses are discussing the best way to make lentil curry. “Excuse me. Sorry to bother you, Miss,” the woman says to the nurse at reception whose nametag says Amy. “I’m looking for a woman who was recently in a car crash?” Amy flips open a chart. “Annabel Grace.”


“Yes, I know the one. She’s pregnant.”


“Yes, that’s right.”






AUTHOR Bio and Links:


About the Author: Monique Britten is an emerging author known for her ability to craft compelling stories that resonate deeply with readers. With a passion for capturing the essence of different eras and the complexities of human relationships, Britten's writing leaves a lasting impact on those who delve into her novels. "The Day Before Tomorrow" offers a poignant exploration of love, loss, and the enduring strength of the human spirit.



Buy Link:









Monique Britten will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway