Saturday, September 21, 2024

Review: WRONG PLACE, WRONG TIME by Gillian McAllister


Day one: Jen sees her son kill someone and gets arrested for the murder.

The next day: Jen wakes up to yesterday, the day before the murder happens. Interesting premise, for sure.

I wasn’t too keen that this was written in British English, which irks me, but I pressed on hoping for the best. The writing was a little choppy with incomplete sentences. Initially, and for natural reasons, the character questions her sanity, which slows things down dramatically. And what was with the weird chapter titles like “Day Minus Two” and so forth? That was just too confusing! Anybody else would’ve put actual dates to make things clearer. I bought this on the recommendation of other readers, and I feel that they should really give me my money back. There were just too many things I didn’t like about it. This book was a total flop. I will never again buy a book on a whim.


Rating: 2 stars

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