Tuesday, June 20, 2023



Theo and Sprout: A Journey of Growth

by Joseph Gergen




: Literary Fiction (YA)






While Theo longs for some guidance through the perils of adolescence, the guidance he knew his family wouldn’t give him, he isn’t prepared for Sprout, his inner Divine Feminine, to present herself and offer it to him. In fact, he doesn’t appear to have a choice since Sprout, sassy and confident about her presence, won’t go away.






Excerpt One:


SPROUT. My brother had no idea the impact the nickname he derisively gave me would have. Neither of us knew how unwittingly appropriate it would become. Was it destiny or self-fulfilling prophecy? I don’t know. Memories and dreams and possibilities like to mix together. As far as my past is concerned and the makeup of who I am and what shaped me, I can make no distinction between memory and reality and dream. I usually don’t try.


While I certainly don’t remember all of my childhood, and many aspects are densely foggy, I remember with clarity the day my life changed. I was preparing for school in the basement bathroom—the small, cramped bathroom that seemed more like a large porta-potty with a shower than an actual bathroom. Wet towels covered the floor and almost all available surfaces. Countless toiletries jumbled themselves wherever space allowed them to balance or stack. Most of these did not belong to me. They belonged to my collection of brothers and sisters. I had a toothbrush. I knew that. Usually, I found toothpaste. If I absolutely needed a less common toiletry, I picked through a baffling array of products, many of which I had no understanding, until I found something useful.



 If they made a movie from “Theo and Sprout,” Three Songs I would like for the Soundtrack

I’m not sure how they would make a movie out of “Theo and Sprout” with the gender-bendy, physical twist going on between Theo and Sprout, but I would sure like it if they gave it a shot. I’ll leave the cinematic creativity to the professionals. Maybe David Lynch or David Cronenberg would be good directors, but that’s for another post.

Here we’ll talk about the soundtrack for the awesome movie they’ll make. So in no particular order, here are Three Songs that would go with certain scenes. If you get a chance, certainly go take a listen.

1.      “I’ll be Your Mirror” by Velvet Underground and Nico


In Chapter 1, Theo sees Sprout in the bathroom mirror for the first time. Amidst all the confusion, Sprout tries to explain why she’s there. Once back in his bedroom, Theo works to come to grips with situation and eventually tries to find a way to get dressed. I can hear this playing as he paces the room, sits down, gets up, tries on clothes, sits down.  A soothing voice that’s there to help.


I'll be your mirror

Reflect what you are, in case you don't know

I'll be the wind, the rain, and the sunset

The light on your door to show that you're home


When you think the night has seen your mind

That inside, you're twisted and unkind

Let me stand to show that you are blind

Please put down your hands

'Cause I see you



2.      “And She Was” by The Talking Heads

In Chapter 3, there is a flying theme, the kind of flying escape you have in dreams the dreams of liberation. In this song as in the story the idea of flying seems inexplicable at first but then becomes accepted. She just was. And so were Theo and Sprout.

And she was lying in the grass

And she could hear the highway breathing

And she could see a nearby factory

She's making sure she is not dreaming

See the lights of a neighbor's house

Now she's starting to rise

Take a minute to concentrate

And she opens up her eyes


The world was moving and she was

Right there with it, and she was

The world was moving, she was

Floating above it, and she was

And she was


3.      “Man” by Neko Case


In Chapter 26, the climatic chapter, Theo and Sprout have a final confrontation with Theo’s older brother. While at first I thought Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Going to Take It” would be a good fit, I thought more fitting would be a statement of unabashed confidence in who they were. A this is who I am statement.  “A woman’s heart is the watermark of which I measure everything” is the perfect embodiment of what Sprout stands for.

I'm a man

That's what you raised me to be

I’m not an Identity crisis

This was planned

I'm a man

As in a citizen of mankind

It's what kind of animal I am

It's that simple, oh


I'm a man

And not just casually

I pull this barge full-time

The tree house cannot support me


I'm not the runt of the litter

The fat-finger bullies were no match for me

I still taste them in my teeth

I'm a man


I'm a man's man, I've always been

Make no mistake, what I've invested in

A woman's heart is the watermark

Of which I measure everything


AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Author of “Theo and Sprout”. Born and raised on the plains of North Dakota. Moved to Twin Cities because it’s actually warmer. Enjoy creating in whatever form it takes, including writing, painting, and furniture making. The enjoyment is in the doing. Looking to add a little magic to the world through art.


Other books include “Without a Pang” and “Methane Wars.”


Social Media:

Website: https://josephgergen.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoeGergen   or @joegergen

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joegergen/  or @joegergen

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079140443073


Book Reviews:








Books Available at:


“Theo and Sprout” available as eBook, paperback and audiobook Amazon:



And Barnes and Noble as ebook and paperback:



“Without a Pang”

Available at Amazon as ebook and paperback:




“Methane Wars”

Available at Amazon as ebook and paperback:









One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $25 Amazon/BN.com gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The book details are very interesting.

  2. The cover art looks amazing. I like it.

  3. Thanks for hosting Theo and Sprout. Excited for others to learn about it and hopefully enjoy. Please let me know if you have questions.

  4. The book sounds intriguing. Love the cover!

  5. Thank you for sharing your soundtrack selections for Theo and Sprout the movie! I hope that this comes to pass for you.

  6. Was there any part of the book that you found harder to write?

    1. Hi Kim, the ending was the hardest. Resolving Theo's relationship with Sprout proved tricky because I didn't know what to do with her. Whether she stayed or went, Theo was left in an interesting spot.
