Thursday, October 10, 2019


Jessica was a recent college grad and desperate for a writing job. While scouring the job boards, a magazine article catches her eye. “How I made $5000 by being a Sugar Baby.” Basically it was rich men needing college girls as escorts with no sex. That’s what they say, right? Could Jessica “prostitute” herself for money? Heck, yeah! She needed to pay rent. It wouldn’t be so bad. She would merely be eye candy.

At first, the guys who responded looked pretty sleazy—old-looking DOM’s looking for hot, young things. Yuck! Then she gets a proposition she couldn’t refuse--$2000 just to meet with the guy. Turns out that this was a really hot, young millionaire. Soon, she becomes Cinderella—the poor girl getting wined and dined by the millionaire. He whisks her to Europe—the most romantic getaway. The whole thing was just nothing but wooing. It’s an okay story.

My rating: 3 stars

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