Monday, October 15, 2018

Review: WOMAN SCORNED by Shannon Heuston

Lexie was a shy, chubby child that loved to read and adored her big sister, Monica. Monica had always wanted a little sister, but then got more than she bargained for with Lexie.

Always the “freak,” Lexie didn’t quite fit in with the normal crowd and her mother was hardest on her most. Monica was always the popular one with many friends and respect, so she instilled the fear in others to stop picking on little Lexie, even though that only alienated her even more.

Told in the POV of Lexie and Monica, story follows two sisters that couldn’t be more different—“two sides to a coin”—but yet were always a part of each other. Life takes them through grueling obstacles as the two grow into adulthood, which include marriage to a controlling spouse and the death of their parents. Is it any wonder why they snapped? But no matter what, you feel for the girls right away and are endeared by their unbreakable bond.

“Our Prince Charmings had never arrived and the Evil Queen was too powerful after all.”

Lexie and Monica are two women scorned, but it was most interesting how each handled it in a different way. Monica would focus on her children and Lexie would just sit and cry. Things take a sinister turn when scorn leads to murder, and the sisters are put through a taxing trial. You won’t believe the ending of this emotionally charged novel.

Simply a scintillating read!

My rating: 4 stars

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