Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Review: SLANTINDICULAR by Katherine!

What the heck is SLANTINDICULAR? I didn’t have a clue.

It seems that this is “a collection of observations”—“stories among other things.”

In one story, the author relays her earliest childhood memory, stating how television was her babysitter, teacher, and best friend, and how humans revel in the background noise rather than face reality, which is true.

Some were snippets of odd anecdotes while others were just plain weird. What were drawings doing in this book anyways? Weird.  I often wondered what the point was on some of them. Did they even have a point? It was hard to tell sometimes because stories kept rambling on and on.

Still, for the most part, stories elicited a healthy dose of “oh, yeah.” Some are so witty and insightful that they may even give you a light chuckle.


My Rating: 3 stars

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