Saturday, June 26, 2010

Invitation to the Festival of Books

Guess what?

I just received an email. Actually, it was a message sent from my email form found on my website

It was invitation to the Festival of Tucson, AZ!

Wow! I've never been invited out of state before. Usually, I just do signings and panels in So Cal, since I really don't have a travel expense, and I usually don't get compensated for my appearances.

Actually, I've been getting more and more honorariums for my appearances lately. I got a few dollars just in the last two alone! Not bad, eh?

I'm glad that I'm finally starting to get paid for these gigs. And I'm hoping that it will take me out of my general vicinity and out there somewhere--somewhere I've never been before.

Maybe Tucson will be my first stop.

Anyways, I was just stoked.

Details are still being worked out for the Tucson Festival of Books, which will take place at the University of Arizona, March 12-13 2011.

For more info, go to

1 comment:

  1. Very, very cool! So happy for you! Just think, this is all just the beginning for you!

    Continued success!
    ~Anna Rodriguez
