Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Blog Tour: DEATH SECRETS by January Bain


January Bain




GENRE:  Crime Thriller






A gripping thriller that explores the lengths one will go to for family, and the resilience needed to stand against the darkness.


In the shadow of Alaska's towering peaks, Anna Hale is haunted by a past painted in flames and betrayal. Marked by the tragic death of her mother and the scars of a childhood marred by violence, Anna has fought tirelessly to build a semblance of normalcy, only to have it shattered again and again. The latest blow comes when her sister, Tia Pace, vanishes without a trace, reigniting old wounds and casting Anna into a nightmare where she's the prime suspect.


As she grapples with her stepfather's execution and the weight of suspicion, another crisis looms: Zoe Pace, her other sister, has disappeared in an eerily similar manner. The only clue a sinister black rose and a chilling letter. When her brother Josh, now a dedicated cop in the Anchor Police Department, begs for her assistance, Anna is pulled back into the fray. Despite the agony of reopening old wounds, she embarks on a desperate quest to unravel the mystery of her sisters' disappearances.


Faced with the unforgiving Alaskan frontier, Anna must confront a tangled web of corruption and deceit, with a copycat killer moving in the shadows. With every tick of the clock, Anna's hope for a normal life slips further away, but her resolve to find her sisters and bring them home burns fiercer than ever. Will Anna's journey through the cold, dark paths of Alaska lead her to her sisters, or will she find herself lost in the depths of a conspiracy that threatens to consume everything she holds dear?


Dive into this chilling tale of loss, courage, and the relentless pursuit of justice against the backdrop of Alaska's unforgiving wilderness. Order your copy now.



Excerpt Three:


Anna hammered her stepfather with another right hook, ignoring the pain that ripped through her shoulder, sweat dripping in her eyes. She didn’t see the beat-up old punching bag swaying and jerking before her, but the face of a killer. Nineteen years, six months, and twenty-four days she’d been waiting for the appeal process to end, for justice to be served. She hit the bag again so hard on the backswing that her knuckles cracked wide open, payment for her being too impatient to bother with gloves. Damn it. Now there was blood dripping on the garage floor. After grabbing a rag from the dustbin, she wound it around her hand.


The door to the adjoining house opened and Tia stepped out onto the cement. Anna waited for her to speak, her breathing ragged and harsh.


“I packed a bag. I’m going with you,” Tia said, her stance defiant, her blue eyes flashing with meaning, her normally loose blonde hair up in a tight bun. Her go-to hairdo when she meant business.


Not this again. Unease coiled in her stomach.


A bang on the garage door alerted her to other company. Bad timing. But when had her life ever been anything but bad timing? She ignored the inopportune knock, needing to have her say first.


“You can unpack right now. I told you. I need to do this alone.” She braced herself for any objection. This was her burden to bear. Alone. She wouldn’t let that monster take anything more from anyone she loved.



 Review: Anna Hale thought that she left the horrors of her childhood in the past, which was the murder of her mother and the stepbeast that took her life. But she was wrong. After the monster’s execution, Anna finds out that her adopted sister was missing. Only a black rose and a letter were left behind. Soon, it becomes 2 sisters that were missing. Anna Hale was putting her P.I. skills to the grueling task.

This case was an interesting mystery full of witty speculation and searching for clues. Anna Hale is one tough chick. It was kind of hard to gauge how the undertaker and the mayor’s son tied into things as we get their perspectives in the story. This definitely could’ve used more proofing with minor inconsistencies like the odd switching of his and her and misspellings like “reality” instead of “realty.” It made for some odd reading in those instances.

Story was slow in some areas, but, overall, this was a quick read that you can get through in one sitting. You just can’t help but be curious at how this whole thing ends. The ending, quite frankly, wasn’t as climactic as I would’ve liked, but I still enjoyed it overall.

A good mystery overall.


Rating: 3.5 stars 

AUTHOR Bio and Links:


January Bain is an award-winning author who firmly believes that stories unite us, that good stories help us to discover the commonality of the human experience by supporting values, empathy and understanding. She writes with her heart, mind, and soul, hoping that her novels will touch your life, giving you moments of freedom as you fly with her to other worlds.


Bain has had the pleasure of select novels being turned into games, and her work is also available in different languages.


January and her husband live in rural Canada on peaceful acreage where a variety of wildlife comes to visit regularly and expect to be fed and paid attention to.


Blog Address - http://januarybainjourney.blogspot.ca/

Twitter Name – https://twitter.com/JanuaryBain

Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/january.bain


Goodreads -  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6437282.January_Bain

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/january.bain

TikToc: http://www.tiktok.com/@januarybain






January Bain will be awarding a limited edition print of a wolf family to a randomly drawn winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for hosting and reviewing DEATH SECRETS today.

  2. I am such a fan of January Bain. I also feed the wildlife. I put food out every night. Raccoons, Possums, Squirrels, all birds. We even have Hummingbirds that eat from our feeders. Our latest creatures are 2 Armadillos.

  3. Thank you, Audrey Stewart! An armadillo, I'm so envious! Just to round out what people are saying about Death Secrets and making me smile today: The star rating on Amazon.com is 4.8 for 7 lovely reviews, I think the best debut ever for a new novel for me: Wow!!! First time reading this author and I was not disappointed. This is a great thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It shows just how far a family will go to protect each other. The book is set in Alaska and follows Anna who is still searching for what happened to her sister. Well written and keeps you guessing on whether or not they have the right killer. And I love this one too: Wow
    Omg.....I'm usually just a romance girl..... This story gripped me! I couldn't put it down...read it in an afternoon!
    Wishing one and all a lovely day! Hugs, January

  4. Sounds like a very interesting book to read.

  5. This looks really interesting. Thanks for sharing and hosting this tour.
