Sunday, July 14, 2024

Review: A NEW FEAR by R.L. Stine


Part one was rather intense with a frantic escape from a blazing asylum by a desperate woman and her infant son. Freed, her mission was to escape the curse of the Fear family. The details in the scenes were much grosser and bloodier than you would expect from a typical R.L. Stine story. In fact, it feels more like Stephen King. I must admit that I really didn’t care for the gruesome details like the rats biting off the eye lids. Yuck! I wanted to get through Part 1 so I could get to Part 2 to see if it would keep my interest. So far this was just okay. This young mother seemed to be like a freaky Carrie with all those scary powers.


In part 2, the boy is fully grown and is reunited with his family amulet that gave his mother all those evil powers. He will find out who he really was and who is father was. The last part continues the story okay as the son learns he is a Fear. The rest of the read was too long (I had to skip parts just to get through it.)


I was curious to see how this ended though. So that is how Fear Street was re-built and how it opened up all those Fear Street stories. This was okay.


Rating: 3 stars

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