Saturday, June 29, 2024

Review: SUMMER by Casi McLean


The story introduces time-traveling detective sisters and an amulet mystery in Salem with a strong and compelling narrative.


One minute, Sydney was mesmerized by the mystical tour of Salem landscape and history, and the next minute, she was standing in the middle of a forest. Summer knew another time jump was coming based on the dreams she was having. Soon, Summer and Sydney find themselves in the exact same place…in the exact same time…in Salem, MA in 1692—during the Salem Witch Trials. Oh no! And, aw, cool! That was a fascinating time period and I love that this story was set there.


Together, Summer and Sydney save a hanging woman accused of being a witch. Now, they must hide her while keeping a low profile in the hysterical community. Those witch hunters were certainly frightening. Can Summer escape time before time runs out?


But that wasn’t the only drawback here.


“In the wrong hands, time travel could literally alter history and completely erase the past.”


There was something magical about that amulet, which seemed to transport the travelers from Salem 1692 to the Celtics 3000 BCE. What was the cause of all these time jumps and how could they fix it?


I enjoyed this exciting time travel adventure. I kind of wished the author would’ve kept them in Salem throughout the whole story, but this was still a great read.


A thrilling read from start to finish! Look forward to more from this author.


Rating: 5 stars

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