Saturday, June 15, 2024

Review: SINS OF THE FATHER by Caroline Fardig


Ellie Matthews was back…and so was her sadistic stepfather, who was responsible for her traumatic childhood and a prime murder suspect in her mother’s death. Funny thing was that he swore he never killed anyone and he needed Ellie’s help to prove it. In any other universe, Ellie wouldn’t even have considered helping him, but since he ended up overdosing, the decision was pretty much taken out of her hands. That is until we get to the newest murder victim—a hit-and-run and the stepfather’s ex-wife. Additional clues reveal that Marcus could not have killed her. Now, the team was on a hunt for a serial killer.


The sins of the father have returned and it was bringing Ellie back to people and memories she thought she buried a long time ago.


As always, we get knee-deep into the criminalistics and the investigating, which can be a little long but still enticing. There are several victims and suspects at play here. The read keeps you riveted until the very end. I tell ya, you won’t expect that shocking conclusion.


A great read and a wonderful end to the series!


Rating: 4 stars

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