Saturday, June 15, 2024

Review: NEVER TELL THEM by N.L. Hinkens


Something was odd about the new neighbors. A father and son that don’t seem to know each other. And the grandmother that lived there before had no idea, eh? Right away there’s a mystery here that grabs you.


Never tell them. Never tell them what? And this was you never nose around the neighbor—because you get stuck having to look after the son, who seemed to be traumatized and neglected. Through the boy’s little verbal slip-ups, we get a little bit more of what’s going on. There were still a lot of unanswered questions though. Was the boy kidnapped and taken away from his mother? Who was really hurting the boy? And was the boy safe to go back to the neighbor, who had recently suffered an accident and temporary memory loss?


About halfway through, we get a suspicion of the neighbor’s possible involvement in a girl’s disappearance. Oh wow! So, he could be a killer?  Who’s going to be the real bad guy in the end?


What a shocking conclusion! Another wonderful read by N.L. Hinkens!


Rating: 5 stars

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