Saturday, June 22, 2024

Review: THE MANY LIVES OF JACK WELLS by Michelle Files


Jack Wells had spent the last 20 years of his life in prison for a murder that he didn’t commit. After he is executed, he is transported back to his 20-year-old self—before the murders happened. Can he save those boys and prevent from going to prison? And how many lives is this going to take? Let’s go through the many lives of Jack Wells to see if he can save those boys and himself.


Once again, this storyline grabs you with its captivating premise. It seemed that no matter what Jack did, the outcome always turned out the same. Fortunately, he had his mother, Ivy, who told him about his family lineage of time-travelers. Can Jack find the real killer? You’ll be shocked when you find out.


A thrilling read!


Rating: 4 stars

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