Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Blog Tour: ODE TO A PUG by Jill Rosen

 "Ode to a Pug" is full of heart… and a lot of slobber.  

Ode to a Pug

by Jill Rosen

Genre: Children’s Picture Book, Pets

A precocious pug delights in shenanigans which drive her frazzled owner to declare she will give her pup away!

Laugh along with the snorting, snoring and gaseous clown of the canine world as its owner struggles to reign in the messes and mayhem of a new addition. But there is nothing that a few licks and cuddles can't fix, right?

A true delight that any family can relate to, Ode to a Pug is full of heart... and a lot of slobber.

"Ode to a Pug is a sweet and funny exploration of what unconditional love looks like."

The Children's Book Review

Amazon * * Bookbub * Goodreads



Review: This was a cute, illustrated poem to an adorable pug. I enjoyed the rhymes, the funny doodles, and the truth of the matter. I especially liked the zany energy and lively action in the drawings.

“When it’s time to go potty, you do let me know, but just a few seconds before you must go.”

The dog has to go! But…

“When I give you a kiss, I smush each furry wrinkle, so soft on my skin, I don’t care if you tinkle.”

“Today is the day I know you will stay, of course, I could never give you away.”

A wonderful and sweet read! Too funny! It accurately describes the life you get with a furry, little friend. A must read for any dog lover!

Rating: 5 stars


Jill Rosen is a career marketer and advertiser who lives with two kids, three dogs, two cats, one bird, and a former stand-up comic and Princeton sketch-comedy writing husband. She doesn't need to go far for comedic inspiration or advice!

Through her brand management work, Jill's early recognition of, and appreciation for, powerful writing and artistic design only flourished. She is a seasoned workshop facilitator and strategic healthcare consultant, specializing in the areas of mental health and infertility.

Jill was inspired to begin writing her own stories by her two boys, both avid readers. Now Jill can't wait to share them with all the young readers out there! 

Website * Instagram * Amazon * Goodreads

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

 $20 Amazon - 1 winner,

Signed Hardcover copy of "Ode to a Pug" + Custom Die-Cut Pug Sticker - 3 winners,

Signed Hardcover copy of "Ode to a Pug" – 3 winners

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love a good children's book. This one looks adorable. Love the cover!
