Saturday, January 6, 2024

Review: BITTER PAST by Caroline Fardig



** 2nd Time Review **


“No body farm, no way! Not ever, not today!”


That was the picket slogan among the student body protesting a body farm at the college.


Ellie Matthews was a criminology professor at the college and future assistant of the body farm. When touring the old clown park—AKA future site of the body farm—they find their first body, which belonged to one of the student protesters.


Of course, Ellie’s colleague, Cooper, was suspected of the murder since it was his property and especially since he had an affair with the student last semester. Somehow Ellie gets dragged back into forensic field work, especially when a second student is found dead. Were the two deaths linked?


The mystery was alluring and Ellie’s witty and sassy tone just brings the story to life. The scientific and forensic jargon can get a little too specific and too daunting. After some time of this, the read becomes long and slow at times. I would’ve preferred the chapters to be shorter. The read was honestly going strong with my rating of 4 stars, but the length and pace of it brought it down to 3.5 stars. The best part was how it all boiled down to a good ending, which made this a good read for me. I’ll definitely check out the rest of this author’s books. I’m glad I gave this book a 2nd review.


Rating: 3.5 stars

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