Saturday, December 23, 2023

Review: THE CHRISTMAS THIEF by Mary and Carol Higgins Clark


A Christmas tree that was hiding valuable diamonds. One thief that was eager to steal it back. What the former inmate may not count on was Alvirah, Willy, Nora, and Regan. Another thing the crook wasn’t counting on was that the tree was being transported to Rockefeller Center for the holiday lighting. So there was a ticking time clock on this heist.


The thieves successfully cut and take the tree, but the diamonds were mysteriously snatched beforehand. An 80-ft tree was stolen, the diamonds were missing, and a friend was kidnapped. Can the two clever detectives stop a conniving scammer and thief?


This holiday story was just full of suspense. Kept me reading all the way.


Rating: 4 stars

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