Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Blog Tour: SINGLE PARENTS ROCK! by Jaret Martino

Single Parents Rock!

by Jaret Martino




: Children's Book






From Award-winning actor, filmmaker, and founder, Jaret Martino, comes Single Parents Rock! (Based On a True Story and Feature Film, DONNA: Stronger Than Pretty). Streaming everywhere you buy and rent movies. A story about a creative, caring, and strong young girl who has the most caring heart and see's the world in ways we can all learn from! Shay knows just how special single parents are, and is excited to introduce you to the strong females in her family! When Shay turned 5, her Mom and Grandma got to work on making her party extra special! Shay is exuberant to invite her friend's from school and just met a new friend Nala. Through Shay's heart we see her embrace the world's differences with love. When her Grandma makes her a cape and a crown, she feels the magic and power of the long line of strong women that surround her.








 Review: “Every family looks different, but we are all still families.”


All 5-year-old Shay had was her mom, but she was basically all she needed. This book was an ode to moms. Why? Because they do EVERYTHING for us.


“Women have to be stronger than pretty.”


Book was bursting with all the wonderful things a mom can do. I liked the message and the gratitude expressed within the pages. The illustrations were colorful and cute.


Plain and simple, SINGLE PARENTS ROCK! A nice read!


Rating: 4 stars

AUTHOR Bio and Links:


From Award-winning actor, filmmaker, and founder, Jaret Martino, comes Single Parents Rock! (Based On a True Story and Feature Film, DONNA: Stronger Than Pretty). Streaming everywhere you buy and rent movies. A story about a creative, caring, and strong young girl who has the most caring heart and see's the world in ways we can all learn from! Shay knows just how special single parents are, and is excited to introduce you to the strong females in her family! When Shay turned 5, her Mom and Grandma got to work on making her party extra special! Shay is exuberant to invite her friend's from school and just met a new friend Nala. Through Shay's heart we see her embrace the world's differences with love. When her Grandma makes her a cape and a crown, she feels the magic and power of the long line of strong women that surround her.


To our Shay-Shine, as Grandma loved to call you. Continue to light up the world with your heart and smile. Love, Uncle Jaret.


To my loving Mother, Donna, who handled the role of Mom and Dad with such grace. Your untimely passing only amplified your accomplishments as a teacher and parent and I will continue to spread, unwaveringly, all your lessons and your every expression of love. Shay Marie, your beautiful granddaughter, will always be reminded of the long line of strong Women in her family, and of the bravery it takes every woman to make a life for herself and her children.


"Women have to be Stronger Than Pretty. We have to be look like a warrior to me." -from feature film DONNA: Stronger Than Pretty


Stronger Than Pretty LLC. Love Wins Productions, Distribution and Film Festival. Creating awareness for subjects deserving attention.


For information about special discounts or bulk purchases, please contact: or (424) 279-4802


The Love Productions Speakers Bureau can bring authors to your live event. For more information or to book an event, please contact, or visit our website at or





Jaret Martino will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


  1. What was your favorite scene to write?

  2. This sounds like such a heartwarming story! I love the message!

  3. The illustrations really do look cute, thanks for sharing about the book

  4. Do you have a family member or friend that inspires you?

  5. The book sounds wonderful. Great cover.
