Sunday, January 22, 2023

Review: THE SECOND TIME AROUND by Mary Higgins Clark

A promise for a vaccine that would cure cancer cells. Soon after, word spread that it was all lies and that the creator that supposedly died in a plane crash cheated all the investors. Was Nick on the plane when it crashed? Or was he still alive? Was there another explanation for the failure of the vaccine, the disappearance of the money, and the plane crash? Or was it all just a con?

Now the widowed wife was being blamed for all the lies and stolen money. Would someone be so angry that they would burn her mansion with her in it? Desperate to clear her name, the widow asks stepsister, Carley, a financial reporter whom she hardly knew, for help.

Assigned to cover the story for Gen-Stone, Carley was determined to find the truth about Nick Spencer. Was he actually murdered?

So many people wanted Nick and Lynn Spencer dead. One distraught man was certainly out for revenge on all of them—including Carley.

Compelling and fascinating! A complex and multi-layered mystery that you just naturally sink your teeth into.


Rating: 5 stars

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