Thursday, October 13, 2022

Blog Tour: MAZ, ORIGIN by T.L. Ford


Maz, Origin

by T.L. Ford




: Sci-fi/Science Fiction






Entering the witness relocation program after lawfully escaping a massive walled-in prison, teenage Merrill tries to fit into our society. Her background and decisions may not let her.


Maz, Origin is a story of growth and love, guilt and innocence, and changing goals. What is morally right and what is legally right? What's legal for humans may not be for aliens...






Excerpt One:


I heard shots being fired from below.  They were aiming at the helicopter or the guy that landed on the scaffolding above me.  The sign offered some level of protection, but they'd move into position directly below shortly.  "It's ok, miss, we'll have you out of here in a jiff.  Are you hurt?"  The man began to wiggle through the bars, which was no small feat because he was wearing some sort of heavy armor.


He reached down toward me, and I hesitated, terrified of grabbing that hand and leaving my life behind.  He clenched his teeth in frustration and urged me, "Come on, miss!  Just take my hand."


Gunfire from below decided for me.  I lifted my good arm, and he latched onto me.  As he jerked me upwards, pain shot through my shoulder and abdomen.  I gave up life and slipped into darkness.







Have you ever had an imaginary friend?

Am I only allowed to have had one?  Oh, dear.


Do you have any phobias?

Spiders, but I drew some as practice for and some of them are pretty cute when you really look at them.  Butterflies are more gruesome up close.  I'm still not going to hold spiders in my hand any time soon, though.


Do you listen to music when you're writing?

Usually, I am either listening to nothing at all or the exact same track on repeat.  I attended an informal belly-dance class once (not as a student, but a friend of someone), and the drumming from that was spectacular for writing and programming.


Do you ever read your stories out loud?

I'm turning both Colony One and Maz, Origin into audiobooks, with me taking Alex in Colony One, and the narrator in Maz, Origin.  Colony One has a handful of speakers, while Maz, Origin is myself and my friend Ben Belau.  I've also done readings at a few open mic's and writing groups.  I enjoy reading aloud.


Tell us about your main character and who inspired him/her.

The main character of Maz, Origin changes names over the course of the book at points where she becomes someone else, marking that stage in her life.  She starts with some of the rough independence of Little Orphan Annie, if Annie were a bit older and from a much harsher environment.  In the end, I suspect she is like G'Kar at the end of the Babylon 5 series, wiser, but with some jaded humor.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:


T. L. Ford is a programmer, writer, and artist. She spent most of her professional career supporting the Patuxent River Naval Air Station in southern Maryland.  Her science fiction novels imagine possibilities while focusing on society and personal relationships and decisions.  Her fantasy novels are heavily influenced by Dungeons & Dragons and are light "weekend reads".  She's also created two art books, a thriller novella, and an interactive math iBook.  She enjoys sailing, hiking, and spending time with her family.



Buy link:





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  1. Good morning. Thank you for sharing your interview, bio and book details. I am a huge sci-fi fan and am wondering would you mind sharing some of your favorite books, shows or movies with us?

  2. Hi! Thank you for hosting, Sandra! Bea, my favorite sci-fi novels are the Vorkosigan series by L. M. Bujold - I like that they are about the people. I'm also fond of Dune and many others (library is full). For movies, I really like Babylon 5 and Firefly, and well, Star Trek and the usual run of "anything sci-fi".

    1. Thank you for sharing. I am a Trekkie from way back but I haven't watched Babylon 5 or Firefly. I loved the original Battlestar Galactica and truly enjoyed the original Lost in Space as well as the Netflix reboot. I love The Expanse series books and TV show and I loved the Rissa Kerguelen trilogy that I read as a teen-ager. There are many more of course but I'd be typing all day, lol

  3. Looks like a very interesting book that I would love.

  4. Bea and Sherry, what are your favorite sci-fi books and movies?

  5. I enjoyed reading the interview and learning a little about you, T.L., Maz, Orgin sounds like a thrilling read for me to enjoy and I like the cover!

    Thanks for sharing it with me and have a sunshiny day!
