Monday, August 29, 2022


Join Us for This Book Series Tour:  Aug 22 to Sep 9, 2022

Book Series Details:

Book Series TitleThe Adventures of Rusty the Forgotten Fire Engine by Joe Fisher
CategoryChildren's Fiction (Ages 4-8)
Genre:  Children's Fiction
PublisherAngler Publishing
Release date:   May 2017,  August 2021
Content Rating:  G for children.  
Books in the Series:

Book Details:

Book TitleRusty the Forgotten Fire Engine (The Adventures of Rusty the Forgotten Fire Engine) by Joe Fisher
Category:  Children's Fiction (Ages 4-8), 32 pages
Genre:  Children's Fiction
Publisher:  Angler Publishing
Release date:   May 2017
Content Rating:  G for children.  
Book Description:

When the Mayor Himself decides the town of Someport-by-the-Sea needs a new fire engine the Fire Chief picks a shiny, bright red one that has all the latest tools needed to put out fires. The new fire engine becomes the joy of the children in town and the pride of the fireman and townspeople alike.

But after many years the fire engine becomes old and worn until everyone begins to laugh and call it Rusty. Sad and forlorn Rusty is ignored and forgotten. Then during the 4th of July parade in a summer like no other Rusty saves the day in a most surprising and unusual way.

Rusty the Forgotten Fire Engine tells the story of a fire engine and the fireman and boy who love him. It is a lighthearted and multi-layered story, richly told, that will appeal to children and adults alike.

Whimsical illustrations create an air of fantasy, drawing children into Rusty’s world while stimulating their imaginations as they follow Rusty’s journey from hero to outcast and back again.

The surprise ending brings the tale to a heart-warming and satisfying conclusion that reveals all things have hidden value that is waiting to be released. Rusty the Forgotten Fire Engine is a classic story of love, loss, transformation and redemption. 

Joe Fisher Books
iBook ~ KOBO
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Book Details:

Book TitleRusty Goes to Water World (The Adventures of Rusty the Forgotten Fire Engine) by Joe Fisher
Category:  Children's Fiction (Ages 4-8), 36 pages
Genre:  Children's Fiction
Publisher:  Angler Publishing
Release date:   August 2021
Content Rating:  G for children.  
Book Description:

The townspeople of Someport-by-the-Sea want to honor Rusty for saving them during the “Summer Like No Other” so the Mayor Himself decides a park should be named in Rusty’s honor. But, finding the right place is not as easy as it sounds. Then when students at Sea Stone Elementary take Rusty on their end of year celebration at Water World things don’t go as planned.

Just as Mr. Spritz the Manager of Water World is about to close the park because of an equipment failure, Rusty, with the help of Fireman Jim and Mike the Deputy Fire Chief, once again saves the day and in the process finds a new home in a water park that bears his name.

Joe Fisher Books
Amazon ~ iBook 



Reading to Children: The Gift that Kept on Giving

By Joe Fisher

I come from a family of readers who share.  When my siblings and I were young my father read to us regularly and separately.  The story I requested every time he did was Rikki Tikki Tavi, Kipling’s classic tale of a mongoose and snake in a fight to the death, with rule over the garden in a Colonial Indian household the prize for the winner. 

Rikki Tikki Tavi is long and reading it represented a significant commitment by my father.  Nonetheless, he did it periodically commenting every time that his father read it to him when he was a boy.  Message delivered I dutifully read it to my son when he was young as I know he will do when his children are the right age.  A hundred year old tradition kept alive over four generations now waiting for the fifth. 

That was not the end or the story, however.  My father continued to read to us as we grew.  He was a rural physician right out of a Norman Rockwell painting.  His day consisted of long office hours followed by family dinner with house calls after.  Dinner and house calls were our opportunity to spend time with him. Every night one of my siblings or I went with him on his house calls.  Driving from one farm to the next was the time we had with him all to ourselves.

Because his day end was unpredictable, my mother waited for dinner for him every night so we could all be together in one place at one time during the day.  It was a hard and fast rule.  If he had a day overflowing with patients, had to deal with an emergency or some other contingency, we waited no matter how hungry we got. 

My father when he arrived used the occasion to read to us again.  He brought some selection to the dinner table each evening.  It was an eclectic mix, contemporary stories, articles from the newspaper but his preference was the classics.  Were expected to listen and comment when he finished.

I recall he once read us Le Morte D’authur, Sir Thomas Malory’s 500-year old saga of the Knights of the Round Table at dinner.  With the omnipresent depictions of medieval battle I’m pretty sure the story appealed to me than my three sister what with all the cleaving people into their brain pans and such.  Even later we offspring were encouraged to bring selections to the table that we could read and discuss. 

He influenced our lives in many ways high among them was his gift of reading to us.  Showing the way with the implication that we should do the same once we were parents.





Review: A new fire engine was needed for the small town of Someport-by-the-Sea. They searched and searched until they found the perfect fire engine. The townspeople loved the fire engine so much that they decided to call him Reddy. They even came up with a song for him.


Reddy, Reddy red and bright

Standing guard both day and night

In the dark and in the light

Reddy, Reddy has fires to fight


With so much love and attention Reddy was getting, the town featured him in the annual parade. But then, year after year, something new pushed him farther and farther behind.

As the years went by, Reddy was looking old and tired. “Reddy doesn’t look ready anymore,” they said. “Reddy? Don’t you mean Rusty?” And that’s how the new name came about.


Rusty, Rusty, old and slow

The fire’s out before you show

Rusty, Rusty time to go


Will it take one old friend to bring back the shine in the old fire engine? 

With colorful illustrations and catchy rhymes, this book was joy to read.

Rating: 5 stars


Meet the Author:

After successful careers in market research and public health consulting, Joe now writes fulltime from his home base in Sanibel Island, Florida. 
Like his career, his writing is wide ranging from academic books to works for the trade including: 
  • Killer Among Us: Public Reactions to Serial Murder,  
  • The Next Breath: New Life After Near Death 
  • His work has earned praise from Kirkus Reviews, Publishers Weekly, The Library Journal, The Miami Herald and the New England Journal of Medicine among others. 
Recently, Joe jumped to the world of children’s picture books with the series The Adventures of Rusty the Forgotten Fire Engine
  • Book 1 – Rusty the Forgotten Fire Engine 
  • Book 2 – Rusty Goes to Water World 
A third book in the series, Rusty and Calliope, is in development.  
In addition, a fourth children’s book, Ospreys in the Outfield: A Sanibel Story will be available in the fall 2022. 

connect with the author: website ~ facebook ~ goodreads

Tour Schedule:

Aug 22 – Rockin' Book Reviews – book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / guest post / giveaway
Aug 22 - Jazzy Book Reviews – book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / giveaway
Aug 22 - Faith and Books - book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / giveaway
Aug 23 – Book Zone Reviews - book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / giveaway
Aug 23 - Rockin' Book Reviews – book review of RUSTY GOES TO WATER WORLD / giveaway
Aug 24 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / giveaway
Aug 24 - icefairy's Treasure Chest – book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / giveaway
Aug 25 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book review of RUSTY GOES TO WATER WORLD / giveaway
Aug 25 - Jazzy Book Reviews – book review of RUSTY GOES TO WATER WORLD / giveaway
Aug 26 – Writer with Wanderlust - book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / guest post / giveaway
Aug 26 - icefairy's Treasure Chest – book review of RUSTY GOES TO WATER WORLD / giveaway
Aug 29 – Captive Dreams Window - book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / author interview / giveaway
Aug 29 - Sandra's Book Club – book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / guest post / giveaway
Aug 29 - Faith and Books - book review of RUSTY GOES TO WATER WORLD / giveaway
Aug 30 – Lisa's Reading – book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / giveaway
Aug 31 - Paws.Read.Repeat - book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / author interview / giveaway
Aug 31 – Book Zone Reviews - book review of RUSTY GOES TO WATER WORLD / giveaway
Aug 31 - Sandra's Book Club – book review of RUSTY GOES TO WATER WORLD / giveaway
Sep 1 – Library Lady's Kid Lit - book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / author interview / giveaway
Sep 1 - Splashes of Joy – book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / giveaway
Sep 1 - Captive Dreams Window - book review of RUSTY GOES TO WATER WORLD / giveaway
Sep 2 – Reading is My Passion – book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / guest post / giveaway
Sep 2 - Library Lady's Kid Lit - book review of RUSTY GOES TO WATER WORLD / giveaway
Sep 2 - Writer with Wanderlust - book review of RUSTY GOES TO WATER WORLD / giveaway
Sep 5 – Cover Lover Book Review – book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / author interview / giveaway
Sep 6 - Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / guest post / giveaway
Sep 6 - Bound 4 Escape – book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / giveaway
Sep 6 – Lisa's Reading – book review of RUSTY GOES TO WATER WORLD / giveaway
Sep 7 – Pause for Tales – book review of RUSTY THE FORGOTTEN FIRE ENGINE / giveaway
Sep 7 - Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of RUSTY GOES TO WATER WORLD / giveaway
Sep 7 = Paws.Read.Repeat - book review of RUSTY GOES TO WATER WORLD / giveaway
Sep 8 – Pause for Tales – book review of RUSTY GOES TO WATER WORLD / giveaway
Sep 8 – Reading is My Passion – book review of RUSTY GOES TO WATER WORLD / giveaway
Sep 8 - Splashes of Joy – book review of RUSTY GOES TO WATER WORLD / giveaway
Sep 9 – Cover Lover Book Review – book review of RUSTY GOES TO WATER WORLD / giveaway
Sep 9 - Bound 4 Escape – book review of RUSTY GOES TO THE WATER WORLD / giveaway

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