Monday, July 11, 2022

Blog Tour: JANE AUSTEN LIED TO ME by Jeanette Watts



by Jeanette Watts




:  Romantic Comedy






Dear Diary,


In three years of college, there are seven times my life seemed to suddenly turn into a Jane Austen novel; seven times my life, instead of becoming a romance, turned into a made-for-TV drama.


 What am I doing wrong?




Exclusive Excerpt:


Nov 19


I got a job! I’m at the circulation desk of the law library. So a whole lot of sleep-deprived caffeine junkies come hand me books that they want to take home and fall asleep over in their dorms, instead of at a library table. I put in applications all over campus, and tried to focus on jobs in the sciences that might be good experience for a future pharmacist. Not much luck on that score. I’m happy enough. This will do. It’s a great job. I get to do my homework while getting paid at the same time. I’ll just get interrupted sometimes to check out books, and spend some time reshelving them, which makes for a nice posture break from time to time. It doesn’t get much better than this.


That’s how I found out that Darcy Fitzwilliam is in law school. I should have figured. He’s already perfected his poker face for the courtroom.


He came up to my desk and asked me a question, and I told him he really needed to speak to the reference librarian. “I’m only here to stamp the books after you pick them out. I don’t field questions. I think you have to be a lawyer before you’re qualified to be a reference librarian in a law library.”


He went over to the reference desk, and I went back to the stack of books I was processing. I was a little startled when I got up from the desk to put my stack of books on a cart, and he was standing there again.


“Have you been working here long?” he asked me.


“I started Tuesday, so, no.”


“Ah, that’s why I haven’t seen you here before.” We stood there for a moment, looking at each other. I had my arms loaded down with books, he stood in between me and the cart where I could put them down. “Well, I’m sure I’ll see you again.” He walked away.


His eyes are brown.








AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Jeanette Watts has written three Jane Austen-inpsired novels, two other works of historical fiction, stage melodramas, television commercials, and humorous essays for Kindle Vella.


When she is not writing, she is either dancing, sewing, or walking around in costume at a Renaissance festival talking in a funny accent and offering to find new ladies’ maids for everyone she finds in fashionably-ripped jeans.



Contact Links



Twitter: @JAMLW_writer



Instagram: @jeanetteamlwatts

TikTok: @jeanettewattsauthor








The author will award a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn reader via Rafflecopter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love the cover, title, blurb and excerpt, Jane Austen Lied To Me sounds like a fun read and I am looking forward to it. Thank you for sharing the author's bio and book details

    1. Thanks for stopping in on my tour again, Bea! - Jeanette

  2. Thank you so much for having me on your blog today! ❤️ -Jeanette

  3. I love the cover and think the book sounds interesting.

  4. The book sounds intriguing. Great cover!

    1. Thank you, pippirose! My husband drew the cover art. Look carefully, there are all kinds of little details. Only the Mr Darcy character is frowning. My husband's initials are hidden in the artwork. Lon the Floor Nerd has a Star Trek belt buckle...

  5. Jeanette, what was your favorite part of this story?

    1. Hi, Kim! I think my favorite part of this story was putting in SO MANY of my friends into cameo parts. In the rest of my books, I will have a friend show up here and there in a tiny bit part, like a butler or valet or maid or cook. But it would have been too painfully kitschy to use ALL the names of the characters from Jane Austen's book. It just would NOT have worked with the way the story is. So the characters are named after all kinds of friends. Or sometimes a character's first name is one of my dance students, but the last name is a friend from college. How much the characters resemble their namesakes can vary a lot, which was also part of the fun. - Jeanette
