Wednesday, April 15, 2020


“My name is David Bennett and I am a man who treads a fine line between two worlds, the realm of the living and the place where things dwell after they pass through this world.” (2)

His parents died in a tragic car accident, thus, provoking his pensive thoughts about the why of human existence. Why did they deserve to die? Why them and not him?

The writing was somber and lovely. The way he puts things were perplexing, yet oddly comforting.

“I wasn’t a psychic or medium. No, I wouldn’t call myself that at all. I would consider myself a traveler, who took vacations from his body in the night, on occasion, and voyaged to a realm that ordinary people choose not to see because it would mean confronting an entire layer of reality that they weren’t prepared to acknowledge actually existed.” (14)

And that’s when his fascination with the paranormal began.

This dark tale certainly makes you wonder what the deal is with David Bennett. He wasn’t anything special, but he had a keen sense and was hypersensitive.  This facet is also probably what makes the tale so ambiguous and perplexing. I couldn’t always follow what was going on, but I still enjoyed the structure and composition. It was almost like dark poetry.

It’s a pretty good read.

My rating: 3 stars

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