Thursday, April 2, 2020

Review: THE ALBUM by Sian Ceinwen

Graphic Image designed by Sandra Lopez

What happens when you fall in love with a rock star?

Ariana Chamberlain just wanted a peaceful life. She’d had her taste of living life in the fast lane with rock star, Gabriel Knight, and she’d walked away. She was just aiming to survive letting him go and move on with her life.

That is, until the day she wins tickets to his concert. The smart thing to do would be to decline, but what harm could it do to go and see his band perform one last time? It had been two years since she’d seen him, and it’s not like she still ached every day for Gabriel. She was over him, right? No regrets?

Available on Amazon

My review: Ariana’s colleague was excited over a band’s upcoming performance—Cruise Control. She pretended not to know them, but, of course, Ariana knew them all too well. She never expected to win VIP tickets to their concert. The only thing on her mind was dread over seeing Gabriel, whom she hadn’t seen or heard of in 2 years. Back in the day, she used to work as a roadie with the band, then became something more with Gabriel.

When Ariana first met Gabriel, she was star-struck, like every other girl. At first, she thought he was nothing but an arrogant celebrity, but then she realized that there was a sweet, caring, funny guy beneath that rock star exterior.

Story relives moments of the duo’s past during a concert in the present. They certainly moved quickly in the relationship, which was nice at times but seemed superficial, I think. Each song played in the concert brings back the first time Ariana heard that song, bringing back a memory from their past, which, at times, sounded repetitive and mediocre. The pace is slightly lagging with some awkward sentencing here and there.

Ultimately, this chronicles the life, love, and hardships of dating a rock star. Overall, this was a decent past romance.

My rating: 3 stars

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