Thursday, January 30, 2020

Review: PSYCHIC ABROAD by Lisa Freed

Teresa is going abroad for the first time in her life. Ah, Greece. But it’s not a vacation…well, not much anyways. She’s going to help her ex-boyfriend, who was kidnapped by the spirit of a dead drug king pin. Her psychic abilities should be useful here.

There was a misconception that psychics see all and feel all. Teresa just gets vibrations.

On the first day, she meets Mateo, a fellow psychic with better abilities and the desire to help.

I tended to relate to Teresa’s “lost in the woods” vibe as she was an American tourist in a foreign country (been there, done that.) Teresa is quirky and naïve, which makes her relatable, and, of course, the psychic angle made her all the more interesting; however, she tends to babble on the monotony of daily things (i.e. showering, brushing hair, and eating chips.) That’s not very interesting. You would think that the psychic thing would make it interesting, but, there’s not much psychicness going on. She doesn’t really use much of it as the boring search for this drug dealer goes on.

This is a quirky, little mystery, and the reading was okay. But I kind of expected more.

My rating: 2 stars

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