Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Review: X-ED by Jackie Zack

Chloe was a struggling writer working a job delivering groceries to Mrs. X, an exotic old woman with a great artistic talent. Mrs. X tells her not to give up on her writing dream.

Jake was a fellow struggling artist, a painter who was honored be under the tutelage of the great Mrs. X, his new landlord. He never expected to strike a deal. In exchange for her feedback and connections to the art world, Jake must agree to be Chloe’s muse. The ruse was that she will pose for him while he talks to her about her writing. If he can get her to fall in love with him and then break her heart, that would be great, because, according to Chloe, the great writers experience heart ache.

Jake was reluctant to do this, especially since he had a whiny shrew of a girlfriend, who was the single mother of a mini version of herself. Yeah, she’ll be thrilled to know that he will be spending time with another woman.

Chloe’s choice of genre was unique. I mean, she could choose to write anything, but yet she chose Amish fiction. Well, regardless, the artistic desire to create was something I could relate to. All talk of the Amish was pretty dull though, and there was some lag.

That Mrs. X was a crafty manipulator. Even after realizing that Jake had a girlfriend, she still had faith in Jake and Chloe coming together. Perhaps that girlfriend is not the one for him. I’ll say! I couldn’t stand that woman! I couldn’t wait for Jake to get rid of her.

I liked this story. Jake and Chloe get to know each other and start to appreciate each other’s work. I liked how Jake actually acted out her writing scenes to help her out. The clencher though was toward the end, when even after the two have fallen for each other, Mrs. X. pushes Jake to break Chloe’s heart—all for the good for the art. Dang.

A good story!

My rating: 4 stars

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