Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Review: NEVER GO FULL PAI by Jeffrey Eng

Welcome to Vietnam!

A young man traverses through unknown territory, oblivious to the language and the culture. He was backpacking through Asia for the next 2 months. Wow, what an exciting expedition! Still, one never ceases to experience that shred of doubt and uncertainty. What was I doing here? Why did I think I could do a trip like this?

But soon Charlie meets other fellow backpackers.

Story relays a character’s self-reflecting journey in a diary style. It highly parallels the true grits of a wandering traveler. Writing was good. I did wonder why the narrative went from 1st person to 3rd person all of a sudden. There was also some lagging areas here and there, but none that deflects from the moving concept. I was still trying to understand the philosophical meaning of the title: Never go full Pai.

With refreshing dialogue and a savvy wit, Never Go Full Pai takes you on a wild ride of recklessness and adventure.  An inspirational tale to go find that pot of gold!

My rating: 4 stars

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