Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Review: JUSTICE FOR JESSICA by Alretha Thomas

“Tomorrow isn’t promised to any of us.” (27)

Stacey has always been envious of her best friend, Jessica—too rich, too thin, too…dead. Imagine the shock and horror she felt when she found her body on the bed in a pool of blood. Yikes!

Rachel Storme has had enough of being a cop and decides to make early retirement official…until she hears of the high-profile murder case. Interesting.

First of all, Rachel isn’t who you thought she’d be—a young, kick-ass blackbelt with curves to die for and nerves of steel. In actuality, she’s a 55-year old broad with hot flashes and a salt n’ pepper bun. She’s a regular Marian the Librarian. Nonetheless, Rachel possesses good instincts, a crafty wit, and a gentle heart—exactly what she needs to solve this murder.  

Written in the POV of Stacey and Rachel, story is a simple yet thorough investigation of a serial murder. By getting the views of both the friend and the detective, the reader is sensitized to the beloved victim while diving into the investigative mind to solve this heinous crime.

Although Stacey and Rachel have a vast age difference between them, they also share similarities. For instance, both are average girls with insecurities and a failed marriage (in Stacey’s case, a marriage that is failing.) The best part about Stacey and Rachel was how real and relatable they were.

As I pondered, Jessica wasn’t the nicest person in the world (she was underhanded, ruthless, spoiled, and secretive;) yet, every intention is set on getting justice for Jessica.

Everyone is a suspect in this book and readers will enjoy figuring out the clue that will crack the case.

Wonderfully gripping!

My rating: 4 stars

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