Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge


Each Wednesday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a weekly “blog hop”. For more details on how to participate, please click here.

My favorite hobby, and why.

My favorite hobby would definitely be reading. Why? Because I can enter into different worlds without ever having to leave my seat. If the book is good, then getting into it would be no problem. Reading is definitely easier than writing my own stories. Although I do enjoy writing my own stories, it's definitely more work whereas reading a story is just relaxing and enjoyable. Some other hobbies that I like include doing puzzles like Sudoku and Logic Grids, and I also like to take walks. 


  1. I like puzzles as well... esp. the word online puzzles (Wordle, Strands, Crosswords, etc) Logic puzzles were some of my favorite growing up... back in the days of puzzle magazines. lol. Will have to look to see online.

  2. I like all of those, too! Logic Grids and Sudoku are great ways to pass time.

  3. That's a fun little selection of hobbies.

  4. Nice list pf hobbies. All very good for the brain.
