Tuesday, May 16, 2023


Dancing with Trees and Waving with Leaves

by S.M. Jackson




: Children's





Loud, scary, and unknowing sounds woke up the young child in the morning, and she wondered what or who could be causing the spooky noises. She hurried to her window, pulled open her curtains and looked outside. That's when she noticed it was the wind blowing objects around. Filled with curiosity, she then ran outside and immediately the gusty wind blew hard. It was so strong it started blowing her away. What will she do to enjoy this beautiful windy day with trees and the leaves?




Excerpt One:


Loud whistling and swooshing sounds woke me up this morning. I sat upright with a start, my heart racing. I heard howling (awooooo), scratching (chch-chch), and cracking (crk-crk). What could those noises be?


I hurried to my window, pulled open the curtains, and immediately saw that it was the wind blowing objects around to make all those sounds.


The sun’s rays warmed my face, and I smiled. The wind was blowing through the leaves and the branches of the trees.


Suddenly, a blast of wind whipped through the trees, and they shook and creaked rapidly.


Old, tall, and rigid trees jolted from side to side, groaning with resistance. Young, small, and flexible trees swayed freely with the wind rushing by.


Leaves rustled and fluttered with excitement. Rhythm was all around! Could the trees be dancing and the leaves be waving?


The trees were dancing! They were dancing in the wind! The leaves were waving–they were waving at me! All the leaves on all the trees were waving at me.


I waved hello to the trees. “Good morning, trees!”


I greeted the leaves. “Good morning, leaves!”


I ran outside to join the trees. The wind was so strong it started blowing me away.


 Review: Loud whistling and swooshing. What could those sounds be? It was the wind…blowing objects around in a wild frenzy.

Story is a poetic ode to the windy dance of the trees and the flamboyant wave of the leaves. You’re automatically drawn to the colors and the directions draped across the pages. Rhythm was all around. Such shapes and colors. And that strong wind crated a medley of movements. Suddenly, the character ended up dancing in the wind, too.

A very picturesque book you’ll enjoy to look at. 

Rating: 4 stars


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smjacksonauthor/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/22763403.S_M_Jackson

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Dancing-Trees-Waving-Leaves-Jackson/dp/0228879485/

Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/dancing-with-trees-and-waving-with-leaves-s-m-jackson/1143032544

Book Depository: https://www.bookdepository.com/Dancing-With-Trees-and-Waving-With-Leaves-S-M-Jackson/9780228879480







S.M. Jackson will be awarding a $5 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway