Thursday, March 23, 2023

Blog Tour: SPARK by Azim Jamal



by Azim Jamal




:   Self Help






In a world vigorously chasing classic ideals of success, find your spark and become significant.

Your journey starts here.

Meet Steve, a hotshot lawyer fighting to climb the corporate ladder in this inspiring fable. His life transforms seemingly overnight as he is sent to India for a task he considers pointless. But things quickly fall apart. Steve, forced to reconsider his path, realizes that the curveball life has thrown at him is an opportunity to find his true purpose. This spiritual odyssey is about to transform him beyond his wildest dreams.

A powerful lesson follows each chapter, making up the SPARK that transforms Steve's life: Selflessness, Purpose, Attraction, Resilience and Knowing.

This SPARK is hidden within you too. It may be dormant now, but awakening to it will catapult you from the "Present You" to the "Best You." It's time to light up your SPARK today.





Excerpt One:


“What are you missing in your life?” I’ve put that question to successful leaders all over the world. Not surprisingly, I often hear similar answers: purpose, fulfillment, happiness, balance and the like. What I’ve found is that many of us resign ourselves to vigorously chasing classic ideals of success without realizing that it is, in fact, “significance” that we seek. The truth is, no matter your age, position or status, connecting your daily functions with authentic intentions and values is imperative. Otherwise, we are simply hamsters on a wheel—covering miles and miles in distance, yet never truly moving forward towards our desired destinations. Sure, there is some physical benefit from such rooted motion. But over time, it has a negative effect on matters of the heart and mind, creating a domino effect that has ongoing ramifications for our own lives and society at large. The subtitle of this book, “Journey from Success to Significance,” was borne from my own expeditions and explorations, all of which helped me form a steadfast belief: that we are all destined, by our very nature, to be explorers— pioneers who intrinsically understand that it is the journey, and not the destination, that matters. It is the twists and turns of life that guide our principles. What I wish for you to discover is that a life of significance is not some unattainable, pie-in-the-sky dream. Rather, it is a genuine pursuit that begins with a simple acknowledgment and appreciation of what already lies within you: Natural traits fuelled by a SPARK!




 What's the most valuable piece of advice you hope readers get from your book and why?

Aim for a life of Significance instead of Success!

As the title of my book reads, “SPARK: Journey from Success to Significance”, getting to significance often requires a deep dive into the soul and/or a life changing event that motivates the pursuit. What I propose is that while on your journey you navigate it by igniting and constantly fueling your SPARK! 

Humans, by their evolutionary nature, yearn for more; for expanding their experience of consciousness. The five elements which are embodied in the word S.P.A.R. K are what I propose are fuel for the fire and launch us on the path to Significance. Mainly:

S - for Service

P - for Purpose

A - for Attraction

R - for Resilience

K - for Knowing   

The SPARK, which we all have within us, does not depend on any outside factors like COVID, inflation, war, or such circumstances - it depends on what drives us to achieve our chosen or intrinsic purpose regardless of the obstacles in our way. Some of the most important inventions and businesses were born during the most tumultuous times. As a result they positively changed the lives of many millions around the globe.

A life of Significance means that we approach any level of success we achieve (or want to achieve) with an authentic intention to create impact beyond ourselves. We must do so with an aspiration to also make others successful too - whether in our inner circle or the greater community or both. 

I believe that each one of us is born with a SPARK, and it is both our right and responsibility to express this SPARK. Choosing to create a life of Significance through our SPARK is the best way to inspire and kindle the process within us, but also to proliferate it through others around us so they are motivated to live their SPARK and pay it forward.

As a quick backgrounder, this idea was born from my many experiences while working in both high achieving corporate, as well as grassroots community environments. As an experiment I set out to learn how those driving the various ventures approached their challenges. Did they have the same intention - to create an outcome of meaning through a chosen purpose or was it simply driven by a razor focused bottom line success? 

I’ve been doing this now for the past 25 years, and I have been so fortunate to work with some of the most successful and brightest minds in the corporate world. What I learned was while they are outwardly successful, they all still struggle to find purpose, fulfillment, inner happiness, and balance. This made me realize that it is not Success that these people are looking for—it is Significance!

Success is personal and its definition is limited by what the individual desires. While Success can fulfill your external desire for wealth, fame, titles, and power the nagging feeling that something is missing remains. However, if and when you welcome Significance as a natural companion to Success, the gap is quickly filled.

Through my book, which is part story - part self help, I hope to relate to readers from all walks of life and disciplines, but most of all I want it to speak to those stuck in the strictly material success cycle. I think the fable will totally relate to those driven by this type of success, especially those who haven’t realized yet that their outward and material success isn’t complete until they open up and look for something more, something deeper. The book will also connect with those who are yet to taste success, by helping them reflect on what they really want in life. 

More than ever, the world needs your glow in full flow. The time to light up your SPARK, and find your Significance, is now!

AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Azim Jamal is one of the finest inspirational life-altering personalities with a global following. He is the CEO and founder of Corporate Sufi Worldwide, whose mission is to inspire individuals and corporations to unleash the power within and find harmony between Business, Balance and Beyond.



Author Amazon Page:







Azim Jamal will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.