Saturday, February 11, 2023

Review: I HEARD THAT SONG BEFORE by Mary Higgins Clark

An elegant mansion with a dark and disgraceful history. What harm could there be with holding a charity event there? The owner of the mansion, Peter Carrington, deemed a “person of interest” in the disappearance of one woman and the death of another, thought this would be a good way to show he had nothing to hide.

Meanwhile, a terminally ill woman—the mother of the missing woman—refuses to die until she finds out what happened to her daughter that night at the mansion. Things get more interesting when Kay, the library fundraiser organizer, ends up marrying Peter Carrington, a possible murderer. Kay, deemed “the librarian who married the billionaire after a whirlwind romance,” had an unwavering faith in her new husband; but when he starts sleepwalking and they find the dead body of the missing woman buried in the estate grounds, Kay doesn’t know what to think. Everyone wants to see Peter Carrington fry.


Should Kay be worried about her new husband’s suspicion of drowning his first wife? Could it possibly have to do with a song Kay heard before? Kay was determined to prove her husband’s innocence of the murders of his late wife, the rich neighbor, and her father.

A fascinating and perplexing mystery full of layers! It just keeps you wondering what the real story is in all this. What was the real truth?

MHC has done it again! Another addicting read!


Rating: 5 stars

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