Friday, February 24, 2023


Sanctuary on Victoria Island

by Karen Andover




: Romantic Suspense







Victoria Island is an idyllic place to live and work. Or so Emma Rutledge had always thought. Working for her family’s property company, she enjoys professional success. But her personal life is more complicated. She struggles to move past her childhood infatuation with Donovan, her brother’s best friend, and to cope with his callous rejection of her feelings.


But things are not always as they seem on the picturesque island. The sunny and peaceful haven conceals dangerous secrets. When Emma unexpectedly stumbles across the darker side of life, her life is threatened.


Donovan Evans is leaving the military after fifteen years and returning home to Victoria Island. He is ready to start the next chapter of his life with a different job and the hope for a new relationship. But old hurts frustrate his plan. And unforeseen violence transforms his priorities. Suddenly Emma and Donovan have more at stake than getting past their troubled history. They must work together to say alive.






Emma shivered in the back of the lecture hall as a steady blast of frigid air streamed from the air conditioning vent directly above her. Figures. And no empty seats. She put on the cardigan that she had brought with her. These seminars are always unbearably hot or freezing. At least I’m near the exit. I won’t have to fight the masses as they rush to the women’s restroom at break time. Bored, she doodled on her notepad. Huh. A house with two stick figures. A dog. Definitely not a Freudian issue. She flipped the page to her notes from the marketing lecture. A list of renovation ideas for Donovan’s home. She pulled a face and turned to her notes from the ethics lecture. Liar. Snake. Charlatan. Her mouth tilted up. Comments about the ethics teacher, one of the most unscrupulous realtors on the island. Nothing about the actual lecture. Her thoughts shifted to Jack and Ava. She sighed loudly.


“Shush…” The woman beside her shot her a disapproving look as she hung on to the words of the lecturer and diligently took notes. Emma gritted her teeth and turned back to the presenter.





Review: Realtor Emma thought she would have it all by now—marriage, stability, and family. Instead, her life nearly comes to an end when she was attacked at a house she was inspecting.

Donovan was out of the military and was back home for good in Victoria Island. Hopefully he’d be able to finally make a move on the puppy-love adoration he got from Emma in the past.

Story has a nice, descriptive narrative, but it was lengthy and slow, often concentrating on trivialities and scenery. There was too much run-of-the-mill dialogue that slowed down the progress. It only picks up slightly when it seems that someone was after Emma and Donovan had appointed himself to protect her.

The premise was interesting and the writing was pretty good. But the pace was slow and the suspense was mild. There’s drama, romance, and mystery—all good elements in a story—however, the whole thing was just too slow and too tempered for me.

A fairly nice read.

Rating: 3 stars


AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Karen Andover is an author of romantic suspense, contemporary romance, and science fiction.  Karen lives an idyllic island life and her goal is to share her happy place with readers one book at a time.  She lives in Florida with her family and rescue pup.







Karen Andover will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for sharing your review of Sanctuary on Victoria Island, this sounds like a story that I will enjoy reading
