Monday, November 5, 2018

Review: HEART OF CRYSTAL by Obelia Akanke

After getting out of an abusive relationship, college-student Crystal has once again decided to venture out into the world of the living. And Mario, who was in her song writing group, just seemed like a nice guy. But was she ready to move on?

Crystal's heart certainly lies in music, which was she had musical ring tones for every person in her contacts, and it was Mario that encourages her and gets her to sing.

This is the story of a girl trying to get over her fear and try dating again, which sounded interesting. Crystal is a shy, reserved character with a caring heart. At times, the dialogue was a little juvenile and overbearing. I mean, the way these kids talked...It was like non-stop. There were too many characters, I thought. It also seemed like the story wasn't really going anywhere.

My rating: 2.5 stars

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