Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Review: UNDAD by Shane W. Smith

This is a fun graphic novel about a dad zombie—an UNDAD.
Stories are separated into a series of chapters or “episodes.” It certainly didn’t feel like one story and you can tell as you’re reading through it. Each one was rendered by a different author/artist.

In the first chapter, the illustrations felt a little stiff—almost robotic and lifeless. Perhaps it was the 3D-style, which is normally pretty cool, but I just don’t think it worked very well in this story. I don’t think this was hand-drawn; this looks like it was computer-generated. The facial expressions were a little freaky and there weren’t enough active gestures. I mean, this is a comic about zombies. This should allow for a multitude of actions and wild gestures. Even when he gets hit by the truck, it was stiff and bland.

In Chapter 2, the style was much better—definitely more in the style of a comic book. And the story delves more into the life after death. It had almost a religious aspect.

Chapter 3 had more expressive rendering. It was simple, but the gestures gave the story more action. It was funny how he couldn’t “perform” with the wife. This was definitely the more hilarious one. The best one of the bunch!

Chapter 4 had the same style as Chapter 1—stiff and lame.

The overall stories were okay. Some were better than others. This is okay if you like zombie stories.


My rating: 3 stars

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