Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Review: THE NEXT FOREVER by Lisa Burstein (novella)

“Maybe because now we were more than friends, it also meant we were less.” (39)

Love is never quite the same as it was in high school. Now that they’re in college, Amy and Joe didn’t feel the same anymore. Joe was “so honest and fair and normal”—everything Amy was not. (80) Then Amy sets her eyes on Trevor, the blonde-haired rock ‘n roller. For Joe, he used to like a lot of things before he liked Amy—volleyball and football and just hanging out with the guys. It seemed like Joe just wanted to be a hard-playing bachelor again. Joining a fraternity might just be the thing Joe needed.

Like an old married couple, Amy and Joe just aren’t having fun anymore, and fun is exactly what you should be having at such a young age. I really can’t blame them for seeking out their alluring curiosities, especially Joe, who has always been Amy’s baby-sitter.

Would they ever stand on their own? I firmly believe that a person should be able to stand strong on their own before committing to anyone. Be a “me” before becoming a “we.” Believe it or not, I was rooting that they both cheat. Amy and Joe had grown apart; they were not ready for “forever.”

The whole story revolves around the overwhelming guilt Amy and Joe feel over the “bad thing” they’re doing while memories of their love flood the backdrop. Couldn’t they get over the fact that their relationship had changed and move on already?

A quick, okay read.  Don’t be fooled by the “adult” warning; this is actually a clean story.

My rating: 3 stars

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